• Dr. med. Lars Kunz

    Facharzt für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde
    Bertram-Blank-Str. 8a
    51427 Bergisch-Gladbach Refrath

    Tel.: 02204 / 6 38 30
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    Für Terminvergaben und medizinische Auskünfte bitten wir um telefonische Kontaktaufnahme.
  • Dr. med. Lars Kunz

    Facharzt für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde
    Bertram-Blank-Str. 8a
    51427 Bergisch-Gladbach Refrath

    Tel.: 02204 / 6 38 30
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    Für Terminvergaben und medizinische Auskünfte bitten wir um telefonische Kontaktaufnahme.
  • Dr. med. Lars Kunz

    Facharzt für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde
    Bertram-Blank-Str. 8a
    51427 Bergisch-Gladbach Refrath

    Tel.: 02204 / 6 38 30
    Fax: 02204 / 2 12 95
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    Für Terminvergaben und medizinische Auskünfte bitten wir um telefonische Kontaktaufnahme.
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RokZoom is a custom ground up script written in motools 1.1+ that has the features of slimbox with an exciting zoom effect transition to give your image galleries and popups an added flair. Chromatophore fully integrates the JavaScript and the CSS for RokZoom so all you have to do to utilize this technique is install the RokZoom mambot and add an extra element to your image link.

Check out the demo below:

sample image1 sample image1 sample image3 sample image4 sample image5 sample image6 sample image7 sample image8

The Syntax

Below is the HTML syntax that you will have to use. Simply place this into your articles.

<a href="images/stories/colorado/image1.jpg" rel="rokzoom[colroado]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/stories/colorado/image1_tn.jpg" alt="image1" class="album" />

An exemplified preview is constructed below to aid your understanding of the HTML format of rokzoom

<a href="main image url(relative path)" rel="rokzoom[album name]" title="Title">
<img src="thumbnail url(relative)" alt="Image name" class="album" />

RokZoom - The Guide

How to implement RokZoom

RokZoom galleries or single images can be inserted in Content and Custom modules. By utilising a few simple commands, you can easily insert a gallery onto your page.

Step 1 - Login

Login to the Joomla! Administration Control Panel. Go to www.yoursite.com/administrator. Enter the Administrator's Username and password.


Step 2 - Navigation

Navigate to the Article Manager. Once you have logged in, hover over the Content link on the top taskbar, scroll down to Article Manager.


Step 3 - Article Content Manager

When you have selected the Article Manager link, you will be sent to the Article Manager control panel. Select either Edit or New, depending on whether you want to add rokzoom to an existing or new item.

Step 4 - RokZoom Commands

You now need to enter the syntax into your content editor. This should resemble the screenshot below. The syntax, in both HTML can be found at the section located here.

The Examples

RokZoom For the examples of the rokzoom command, all images are located within the directory images/stories/photos. If we wanted to load image1.jpg by itself, we would enter:
<a href="images/stories/photos/image1.jpg" 
rel="rokzoom[colroado]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/stories/colorado/image1_tn.jpg" 
alt="image1" class="album" /></a>

RokZoom If we wanted to load photo1.jpg, photo2.jpg and photo3.jpg as part of an album, we would use the following syntax:
<a href="images/photos/image1.jpg" 
rel="rokzoom[photo]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/photos/image1_tn.jpg" 
alt="image1" class="album" />

<a href="images/photos/image2.jpg" rel="rokzoom[photo]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/photos/image2_tn.jpg" alt="image1" class="album" />

<a href="images/stories/photos/image3.jpg" rel="rokzoom[photo]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/stories/photos/image3_tn.jpg" alt="image1" class="album" />

The Thumbnails

The latest Rokzoom allows you to create custom thumbnails as well as the automated procedure witnessed in previous versions. The process itself is extremely simple. You need to create 2 images. The first, for example photo1.jpg will be the main image that will be loaded in the RokZoom Screen. The second, will be the custom thumbnail, it must contain the suffix _thumb or the suffix you defined in the Mambot configuration. The images need to be contained within the same directory as your main images unless defined in a thumbnails only folder as seen in the Configuration for the mambot.

Therefore, in the container where your images are stored, you should see photo1.jpg and photo1_thumb.jpg
Dr. Kunz Siegel
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
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in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda
in Bergisch Gladbach auf jameda


Tel.: 02204 / 6 38 30


Tel.: 0176 / 69 89 54 62

Privatsprechstunde für Berufstätige

(und Notfälle auf Selbstzahlerbasis)
Fr. Dr. med. Lili Kunz (Fachärztin für HNO)

Nach telefonischer Rücksprache


Praxis für Physiotherapie
Jennifer Miebach
Pilar Garcia Physiotherapie

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